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Re: Help with mounting a Xenix drive

Perhaps the kernel does not have Xenix drive fs support compiled in. Try
recompiling the kernel with Xenix fs support.

Brian Schramm wrote:
> I am upgrading a Xenix computer with Linux.  I have seen in the mount that I
> can mount this drive and I would like to do that so I can copy the data off the
> drive.  But it does not work.  I am just typing:
> insmod sysv
> mount -t sysv /dev/hdd4 /mnt
> This should work to my knowledge but it errors saying that it cannot read the
> superblock.
> I am using debian slink and redhat 5.2.  I have access to a SCO machine but I
> would have to re-write a drive table on it and that might overwrite the data
> (according to their WEB site.).
> Please help.
> --
> Brian Schramm
> schpage@pagesz.net
> --
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