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Re: wallpaper Question

On 25 Jul, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
  |  hi list,
  |    please bear w/ an X newbie.  anyway, i managed to place a wallpaper on my Xwin using xv but whenever i close X, i'd have to put the wallpaper in again using xv the next time i log on.  can anyone suggest me a way to make my wallpaper permanent ?  i use icewm.
  |  TIA,
  |  Chad

xroot will do the job in an .xession file. But! You can configure IceWM
to always set it.  In the directory ~/.icewm, there will be a file
called preferences (if you have neither, just create them). In it you
need a line like:

There are a couple tools to configure icewm, icepref and iceconf.
Neither works perfectly, but they'll get you started.  Then refer to
the icewm documentation (it's pretty short) for other settings.

Eric G. Miller
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