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RE: Banner page (job)

If it is *after* the job it is probably the printer network interface
and not linux.  I had a similar banner from a laserjet printer with
an hp network interface in it.  The fix is to telnet to the printer
(yes, you can do that) and set the banner feature to off.  There is
a simple help screen.  I can't remember the command right off hand.

If you don't have an hp interface then I don't know what it is...


>From: 	Rudy Broersma[SMTP:rj.broersma@tricat.nl]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, June 29, 1999 1:41 PM
>To: 	debian-user@lists.debian.org
>Cc: 	The recipient's address is unknown.
>Subject: 	Banner page (job)
>I have a couple printers here, (all the same problem).
>The problem is that linux (rh 5.2) 'adds' some sort of banner page after the
>print job. Which tells me who send the job, etc, etc. (about 4 lines)
>Now, I HATE this, and I want to turn it off..And that's the hard part. You
>see, I got this book about linux, they say to add :sh: and :sf:/ (something
>like that, can't remember exactly) in my 'printcap' file.
>Well, I did that, but I still got the same problem.
>Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance,
>Rudy Broersma
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