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Re: How to print on shared Windows printers from debian?

Wojciech Zabolotny <wzab@ise.pw.edu.pl> writes:

> Hi All!
> Is there any way to print from debian on a printer connected to the
> Winblows machine on the same LAN?
> I found information about smbprint in SMB-HOWTO.pz, but there is no such
> utility in my Debian 2.1 box. :-(
> I have installed both samba & smbfs.
> --
> 			What to do?
> 			Wojtek Zabolotny
> 			wzab@ise.pw.edu.pl

If the Winblows machine is an NT Box (Server?) you can install "TCP/IP
Printservice"  and use this printer like a printer one a unix
printserver (Printing Howto).

If it is Win9x you need the smbclient program (from

$ smbclient //server/printer 
> print myfile

you can use the example script in /usr/doc/samba-doc/examples/printing
to automate printing.


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