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Re: New Riva TNT Linux drivers

On 3 Jun 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:

> Has anyone taken the plunge and installed all the new Riva TNT OpenGL
> stuff? Any gotcha's? I've been using the XF86_SVGA 3.3.1 server for
> quite some time with my TNT card and haven't had a problem.

 The new X server they provide has the VMWare DGA patch, so it works a
little faster with VMWare's full-screen mode. I can't really see a speed
difference in 2D X, but it was plenty fast to begin with.

 In 3D, the difference ranges from noticeable to astounding. In the demos
that come with GLUT, the "underwater" and "glflare" demos seem to show it
the most. The "chess" demo is still slow for some reason...

> I've been waiting for EONS for a GLX implementation to allow me to
> display results from my SGI visualization software back to my PC and,
> even if it's not ready for prime time yet, NVidia seems to be heading
> in that direction pretty quickly.

 Haven't tried that yet, I don't have an SGI handy. :->


 Ray Ingles          (248) 377-7735          ray.ingles@fanucrobotics.com

   "Engineering is like having an 8 a.m. class and a late afternoon lab
            every day for the rest of your life." - Anonymous

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