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Resizing ext2 filesystems

I have a problem in that I'm quickly running out of space in /usr but
I have tons of space left in /home.  Here's what df shows:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1               497667     35357    436608   7% /
/dev/sda5               497667    385312     86653  82% /var
/dev/sda6              2478138   2271514     78508  97% /usr
/dev/sda7              4616953    643170   3734818  15% /home

Obviously, I didn't estimate the filesystem sizes correctly to begin
with.  At this poit, does anyone know of a way to resize them so that
some of the space from /dev/sda7 can be added to /dev/sda6?  I have
heard of "resize2fs" but it appears that it's not available other than
as part of Partition Magic.  Is there anything else out there?


The hopeful depend on a world without end
Whatever the hopeless may say
     Neil Peart, 1985

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