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Re: X windows and ModeLines

*- On 15 Apr, David Nelson wrote about "Re: X windows and ModeLines"
> 1) You won't get anything out of the mouse wheel. Don't think anyone
> wrote a special driver for it, so...


>From 'man XF86Config'

       ZAxisMapping N M
               Some mouse devices have a wheel or a  roller.  Its
               action  is reported as the Z (third) axis movement
               in the X server.   The  Z  axis  movement  can  be
               assigned  to  another  axis  (X or Y) or a pair of
               buttons (the button N for negative movement and  M
               for positive movement) with this option.

and from my XF86Config

Section "Pointer"
    Protocol      "MouseManPlusPS/2"
    Device        "/dev/psaux"
    SampleRate    133
    Resolution    200
    Buttons       6
    ZAxisMapping  4 5

Then have a look at the imwheel package

Package: imwheel
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 77
Maintainer: Tom Lees <tom@lpsg.demon.co.uk>
Version: 0.9.5-1
Depends: libc6, xlib6g (>= 3.3-5)
 /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc a67c5ef39af267efdee7cc534ba662b1
Description: Program to support the "wheel" on some new mice
 Various new mice, including the Microsoft IntelliMouse, and the
 Logitech MouseMan+, Wheel Mouse, and others, now have a "wheel"
 button in the middle of them. This wheel button acts both as a
 standard button (by pressing it), and a wheel, which under MS
 Windows may be used for scrolling windows around.
 This program supports the wheel scrolling operation by one of
 two means:
 1. Some newer X servers support mapping the wheel to buttons
    4 and 5, which imwheel then captures and supports,
 2. Using a patched version of gpm, the normal mouse events are
    passed on to the X server through /dev/gpmdata (gpm's standard
    "repeater" mode), and in addition wheel events are sent to another
    pipe, /dev/gpmwheel. imwheel picks up these events, and translates

or http://www.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/


> Small, Bradley wrote:
>>         Well I finally got X windows to come up. Kind of stark and doesn't
>> do much :) I guess I must install other packages to make it actually
>> interesting.. But I digress. The question is this: after finally getting to
>> run the right server and XF86Setup and xf86config and all that jazz.... I am
>> left with a system that seems only to be able to run 640x480 and 800x600.
>> Now I know that both this card and monitor are capable of running 1280x1024
>> (though not necessarily together as the best I can do in Windows98 is
>> 1024x768 with lots of colors...)
>>         What do I need to go forward from here?
>>         The chipset is SiS 5597/5598 with 2048 MB memory and
>>         The monitor is a DB-1765BA near as I can tell. It is autodetected by
>> Win98 as a (Delta DB-1765) and the driver it chooses says that it has an
>> hrange of 30-65 and a vrange of 50-100. Funny thing though it seems to be
>> running 1024x768 under Win98 at 75....
>>         Also I have a mouse with the wheel and stuff, however XFree only
>> wants to call it a PS/2 mouse. How do I get some use form the wheel?

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