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RE: libc6 2.1 on slink

On 14-Apr-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to install xchat 0.9.4 from unstable on my slink system. When I saw
> the
> dependencies I got scared off. I need libc6 2.1. I am not a Linux expert
> (yet)
> and afraid I will damage my stable system by trying to do this.
> Advice?

Unless you NEED to update, don't.  potato (unstable) is going to be in for a
rough month.  Many new and untested things are coming in.

A possible solution is to download the package source and build it yourself.

Get the xchat orig.tar.gz, dsc and diff.gz.  Then do:

dpkg-source -x <file>.dsc

cd to the created dir and type:

debian/rules binary

You will than have your own deb package.

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
soon to be former X Chat maintainer

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