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Re: Less DEB Package

What would be really nice is if there was such a thing as addendum
packages for stuff that doesn't really deserve to have a package to
itself, but would result in package bloat if they were incorporated into
the base packages.  e.g., All the little python-* packages. 

Instead of having a separate entry in
/var/lib/dpkg/{available,info/,status} they could be tacked onto the
existing dpkg DB entries.  Whether or not the addendums could be purged
or removed individually, or if they become part of the base package,
would depend on how little data it would take to accomplish purging and
removing of addendums. 

I would rather have dpkg get a little bigger than have a bloated dpkg

- Bruce

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 09:43:17PM +0100, Sami Dalouche wrote:
> > I'm surprising by the number of Deb package because all Softs are splited for
> > ? Debian Policy reasons.
> > But why do not, for example the pkg :
> > tetex-bin
> > tetex-base
> > tetex-extras
> > 
> > Why not spliting These 3 pkg into one and making new options to dpkg common to
> > all package like this
> > -install-base
> > -install-extras
> > -install-bin
> This would make dpkg even more bloated than it is. This is not the right
> solution.
> > into one like RPM with an option -without-doc...
> > 
> > The packages would be bigger but it's not alwways a problem...
> Well, but the size is one reason to split. Wh should I download 8 MB's which
> don't get installed? This slows things down, too.
> The real solution is to make the front end easier to use (hide library
> packages, group packages together in meta packages etc). This will be
> addresses for example in apt.
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> -- 
> `Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org   finger brinkmd@ 
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> Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
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