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Re: Where's apt-get? Correction

Kent West <kent.west@infotech.acu.edu> writes:
KW> I keep seeing references to using apt-get instead of dselect (or
KW> maybe somehow in conjunction with dselect). I'm running hamm
KW> (2.0.34), but when I type "apt-get" or "apt-get update" at the
KW> prompt (as root), I get "command not found". When I try to "locate
KW> apt-get", it returns nothing. Is this a package that needs to be
KW> installed that I've missed?

apt-get is in the apt package, in slink.  You shouldn't have any
problems just downloading and installing the package via dpkg.  In its 
current incarnation, APT appears as an additional dselect method that
deals with at least HTTP and FTP; change your dselect access method to 
use APT.  You also might need to manually configure your
/etc/apt/sources.list file; see the sources.list(5) man page for
details on the file format.

/                             \       "Dad was reading a book called
|          David Maze         |     _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box."
| http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/ |               -- Abra Mitchell

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