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Re: X display problem

In article <[🔎] 01bdb473$f88757a0$0101a8c0@goodash>, Matthew Myers
<mmyers@ourtownusa.net> writes
>I have recently installed debian on a laptop.  It has the NeoMagic chipset,
>and I have read all the files and tried numerous configurations.  My problem
>is, the screen comes up blank.  X is running, because when I click with the
>mouse it runs the hd.  When I exit X, I can see all the server messages and
>it reports no errors.  What could cause a blank screen when in X?

RH have written an X server for the NeoMagic, which I hope to
package shortly.

Until then, the way to do it is:

* Run XF86Setup and set everything up as normal
* Get XBF-neomagic-glibc-1_1_0-1_i386.tgz from
* Copy the XBF_NeoMagic from the tgz to /usr/bin/X11R6/
* Alter /etc/X11/XServers to point to this file
* Replace:
  * Section "Monitor" ... EndSection
  * Section "Device" ... EndSection
  * Section "Screen" ... EndSection
  in /etc/X11/XF86Config with the ones in XF86Config.neomagic
  from the tgz

Then startx and all should work  :-)

Ian Lynagh - ian@lynagh.demon.co.uk

I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.

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