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Re: Unix commands on NT

In addition to the GnuWin32 that others have shown you, you can also find a 
tcsh.exe which runs on NT.  That will save you from cmd.exe (aka DOS)
For when you have to use DOS, these settings will give you command name 
completion like tab does in tcsh.  I don't remember where I got the tcsh.exe 
file from but if you like I can mail it to you.

You configure some settings in the NT Registry to accomplish this: 

   1.Start "regedit" using the "Start" menu "Run" command item. 
   2.Navigate the registry hierarchy to to locate the value: 
   3.Set CompletionChar to 9 <hex> and it will complete directories when
     you press the "Tab" key. 

Also look here http://www.winfiles.com/apps/nt/unix.html for links to more 
stuff like vi, uptime etc.

Hope this helps.


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