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Re: Now I've done it! [root re-partitioning mess]

Ah, a familiar story. So much for rescue by the rescue disk. Dig the shared lib(s)
you're missing and copy them into /lib/ after you boot the rescue disk, then run
restore. My bo machine shows:

chilin$ ldd /sbin/restore
        libext2fs.so.2 => /lib/libext2fs.so.2
        libcom_err.so.2 => /lib/libcom_err.so.2
        libe2p.so.2 => /lib/libe2p.so.2
        libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5

Jeff Schreiber wrote:

>     Ok... using my vast intellegence, or lack thereof, I set out to repartition
>     my disk to remove the two [usr & var] partitions that I moved over to
>     another disk, and resize my swap from 64 to 128, and resize my root to be
>     the remainder of the disk.
>     So I dumped the root partition to a dump file on my other disk [which is
>     most likely going to end up being my saviour].  I repartitioned the disk,
>     but it didn't seem to take.
>     So I booted off the rescue floppy and set up the swap partition again.
>     Which seemed to work, but the resized root partition didn't take.  I then
>     [this is where the lack of vast intelligence kicks in] re-initialized my
>     root partition, thinking I could restore my root dump onto the new
>     partition... at this point I figured there was a better way, but I couldn't
>     think of it.
>     So I <alt><F2>'d, mounted my other disks partitions, and set out to
>     restore onto /target, Only to find that I didn't have the restore
>     command.
>     So I searched through my backup [I dumped to a dump file, and I dumped
>     to stdout also so I had access to those files], found my restore, and
>     tried to execute it, only to find that I couldn't [it couldn't find
>     something... I assumed it was a function in a shareable that wasn't
>     around because of booting off of the rescue].
>     So I came up with another idea, I would tar and untar the backup version
>     of the root filesystem onto the new root in /target.  Only tar had a
>     similar issue with a function it couldn't find.
>     Now... is there _any_ way I can solve this without totally reinstalling
>     debian on my new root partition, booting up, whiping it out and restoring
>     my old partition from the dump file?
>                                         -Jeff
>  **************************************************************************
>  |    Jeff Schreiber     | Broken promises don't upset me.  I just think, |
>  |    aka - "Spectre"    | why did they believe me?                       |
>  | schreiber@process.com |     (Jack Handey)                              |
>  **************************************************************************
> --
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Jens B. Jorgensen

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