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> Our lab will be upgrading to a Debian workstation fairly soon and I'm
> trying to see if we can keep on using our old SPARCclassic X terminals
> in order to connect to the new workstation.  I remember that the
> terminals came with some files that had to be placed on the host
> workstation (SUN).  Does anyone have any experience in making these
> things work with Debian or any other flavor of Linux?  I'd prefer to
> keep them while we still can.
> Thanks for any help,
>     Max

Hi, Max. The thing you might do is make sure that your termcap file and
terminfo database are in sync between your SPARC and Debian machines. 

Make sure that you copy the xterm-debian terminfo and termcap entries to
the Sun boxes and copy the dtterm entries from the Suns to Debian if it is
not already there.

If you are using Solaris 2.5 or better, I know that the Sun terminfo
database is in /usr/share/lib/terminfo and in Debian it is in

Which OS are you running on the SPARCs?

George Bonser

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