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Re: HOWTO on setting up NFS?

   /etc/exports already has a few entries in it, yet dmesg doesn't
   reveal that the init scrip's been called.  When I call it manually
   it tries to launch the daemons yet none of them starts up.  At
   least they're not there according to 'ps -a'.
   When I launch rpc.nfsd manually I get this:
   root# rpc.nfsd -F -d call

   nfsd[167] 07/16/98 17:25 Could not bind name to socket Address already in use nfsd[167] 
   07/16/98 17:25 could not make a udp socket
   Any ideas what's going on?

Debian runs the rpc.* daemons from inetd, so they should fire-up as
needed.  (i.e. - when you attempt to mount from another machine) If
you want to run them as standalone daemons you must comment out the
appropriate lines in /etc/inetd.conf and 'kill -HUP <pid of inetd>'.
I don't know if this is suggested practice or not.

Dennis Kelly <dpk@egr.msu.edu>             |  phone: 353.4844   
Network Admin, College of Engineering, MSU |  pager: 222.5875

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