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Re: none

Tony <uctpjac@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> I have installed Debian 1.3.1, but find myself without /dev/cdrom as a block 
> device (at the driver selection stage, nothing fitted my Mitsumi 12x,
which I 
> ad run under an "iso9660" on my previous slakware distribution).
> What is a block device, and how to get the cd recognised?

It is a ATAPI drive, you just select IDE/ATAPI driver.
For accessing the iso9660 filesystem on CDs, you need the isofs filesystem

> Also - I loaded the packages off the sunsite at imperial college; it
> turns out that the Latex I picked up had a 1 year-old bug in it
> (\noindent did not work inside a quote environment). Is there a way of
> telling whether that is generally a problem with the Debian 1.3.1
> distribution, or just that that mirror had not been updated in that
> directory?

The official debian latex package is tetex. Which packages did you d/l?
Without the version of the package, we can't tell you more.


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