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Re: Debian too difficult, Red Hat?

> I am wondering if Debian is just too
> difficult for me at this point.  I am wondering if maybe I should try
> Red Hat, I have heard it is easier to install, and then come back to
> Debian. 

Two years ago, Red Hat was certainly easier to install.  Today, debian 
is much easier.  Debian fixed its problems, and red had made no 
discernable difference (on the other hand, every time I have "GNU/
Linux" shoved in my face, I give FreeBSD another thought.  Anyone know 
how to remove it?  I can't find where it's coming from).

Anyway, I found red hat to be more, rather than less, work to install, 
not to have packages I use, and to be more of a hassle to update.  I 
also strongly disliked the way it wanted to default X to look like the 
dark side; I *prefer* a plain X to some colored backround with a lot of 

ANyway, the easiest way I've found to install X is XF86Setup rather 
than xf86Setup

make sure you have the vga16 server installed; that's where it lives.  
Make sure your default driver is correct (this offer is made while 
installing the package), and XF86Setup starts the vga server to give 
you menus & such, so that you can just click on what you want (be sure 
to make the capslock a control key; it's immoral not to have one next 
to the "A" :)

As for ppp . . . i can't help much there.  I've needed massive help to 
get it goign myself, and what I have is so odd, that what i know is 
useulss for anyone else . . . 



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