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Re: Install on Adaptec 7890?

Maybe if you put the CDROM on the other SCSI port and the hard
drive on the other one, it might work? I dont know if Linux
boots from a CD like windoze systems can, and so forth, or like
a Mac system can, it boots from a CD even without a hard drive,
it might be worth a try.. It might be seeing the CDROM and not
checking for a hard drive and not booting the CD since Windoze
usually has to load Windoze first, then boot a CD up...

Tapio Lehtonen wrote:
> Problem: Dell Precision 410 has two SCSI adapters on the motherboard,
> Adaptec 7880 with CD-ROM connected and Adaptec 7890 with the hard
> drive. Now installing Debian 2.0 fails. It sees the CD-ROM but not the
> hard drive.
> It seems this is because the Debian 2.0 Rescue disk has kernel 2.0.34,
> and this kernel does not support Adaptec 7890. I looked at 2.0.36
> kernel, which seems to have this support. I compiled a new kernel with
> 2.0.36 sources, and got boot-floppies Debian package, but have not
> figured out how to get this new kernel on a Rescue Disk.
> Does some kind soul already have a Rescue disk with support for
> Adapted 7890? Or can someone give me some advice on making the disk.
> --
> Tapio Lehtonen
> Tapio.Lehtonen@IKI.FI
> --
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