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apache: "httpd: cannot determine local host name."

I installed apache, but at the end of the configuration stage it failed to
start, giving an error. I ran "apacheconfig", and got the following output
(essentially the same error):

Save these changes to the configuration files? [Y/n]

Rotated `/etc/apache/httpd.conf' at Sat Dec 12 09:53:35 EST 1998.
Restart Apache now? [Y/n]
Stopping apache with apachectl ...
httpd: cannot determine local host name.
Use the ServerName directive to set it manually.
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

I don't know why it should have trouble finding my hostname. It's right
there in /etc/hostname. I don't know how to use the 'ServerName' directive,
whatever that is.


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