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Re: help w/ postgres

*-Shaleh <shaleh@livenet.net>
| Hi all, new to SQL and having trouble finding docs I need.

Hm. I couldn't find this either.

| I want to have a database that user a administers and users b, c, and d can
| access.  How do I set this up w/ postgres?  I am writing a web site and would
| like the user that the scripts use to not have any more priviledge than needed

I believe grant and revoke does what you want. See \h grant and \h revoke.

The only way tcsh "rocks" is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake.             (Linus Torvalds)
olet@ifi.uio.no   [-: .elOle. :-]   olet@debian.org

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