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Re: floppy0: Unable to allocate DMA memory


>  The PC architecture cannot do DMA above 16MB. It's just not possible.
> Since the PC was designed to run in less than 640KB, no one ever expected
> it to be a problem. You have over 90MB of RAM, so now it's a problem for
> you.

	Thank you very much for your message. It was very descriptive.

>  4. Use the 'swapout' program (from ftape) which tries to force the kernel
>     to swap out a contiguous chunk of RAM below 16MB. 

	I'm installing it right now. Let's see what happens.

	It looks like it does work. Thanks.

>  5. Use an Alpha or SPARC.

	Would you give it to me? ;)

>  6. Pull out some SIMMS and only install 16MB of RAM.

	And what do I do with Netscape, The Gimp and Staroffice 4.0? ;)

>  7. Go back in time and shoot the PC engineers.

	If I had the oportunity, I should would have.

Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o            Ultima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_        mailto:pere@casal.upc.es
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