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GPL-like office suite package?


Today many users like to use StarOffice and/or other graphical WYSIWYG 
office suites. Is there any project to make a GPL package with all the 
"userlikeness" of these packages, with the same resources (and less 
bugs ;-)) that MS-Office has?

Things like hundreds of functions, not very strict rules to use it 
(things like the "two-<returns>-not-allowed" from Lyx), hyper-easy 
(really dumb) macro language with on-the-fly sintax check and graphical 
window design, and those cool OLE2 ways to merge a program into 

Just curious...

Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg                            Sao Paulo / Brazil
agieg@base.com.br                               ICQ: 2200285
http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222/       Nick: AlexG

"Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits
whether they are of God." (1 John 4:1)
- Read "The Spirits' Book", by Allan Kardec

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