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Re: FYI: DMA/33 and kernels

George Bonser wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Philip Thiem wrote:
> > You'd be surprises how often that can happen.  I purchase from a
> > wholesaler, and they don't check to see if the drives are good, though
> > they have allways been good about replacing them.  Many resalers are
> > similar, though some do do some testing.
> Well, considering that I had exactly the same errors on two different
> brands of drive on two different brands of motherboard and was able to fix
> it in exactly the same way in both cases with the only thing common
> between the two systems being Linux .... well, you get my point.
> George Bonser
> The Linux "We're never going out of business" sale at an FTP site near you!
And I have have had a problem with a DMA/33 harddrive.

Philip Thiem
   All windows user please exvacuate the building
         (So I can install a better OS on the comps)
Pass on the GAS get NASM instead.

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