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Re: need help getting X server running...

> Folks,
>   I've recently installed debian on my PC and can't get the X server
>   working. I've run the XF86Setup app and it completed sucessfully, telling
>   me I had established a properly working server, but when I quit, saving
>   the config to XF86Config, and run startx, I get the following:
>     (a long list of messages which scroll up the screen, followed by...)
>    *** none of the configured devices were detected *** Fatal server
>    error: no screens found - X11 TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect:
>    errno = 111 giving up.
>    xinit: connection refused (errno 111) unable to connect to xserver
>    xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error

I had the same problem.

>    If I su to root and run xdm, my display starts flashing, rendering all
>    subsequent operation useless. The only way out at this point is
>    Ctl-Alt-Del.

That one too!  Then I noticed that just ABOVE the text like you describe  
above (*** none of the configured devices were detected ***) there was a  
message telling me I needed to use the X server for "S3V", instead of the one  
for "S3" that I had configured...  After installing the S3V X server from  
the CD (which I can still only access by booting from floppy, but that's  
another story) and changing the appropriate config files to use it, suddenly  
I had X working.  So it could be that you've used XF86Setup to configure a  
card/chipset that is SLIGHTLY different than what you actually have in your  
machine.  Check it out.

What I don't really understand is why XF86Setup was able to function just  
fine with the S3 setup, but the actual S3 X server package failed...  But I'm  
just trying not to think about it too much.

       Jack Nutting  :  jnutting@rat.se
   Research & Trade  :  www.rat.se

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