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Re: Install question (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
To: jarregui@elasa.siemens.es
From: Paul McDermott <paul@experimental.braille.uwo.ca>
Subject: Re: Install question

hello, i just did a nt, linux install.  read the howto of nt-linux.
Install Nt first then win98 then linux. use nt's boot loader to boot 98
and linux.  if you need more information let me know. install nt and 98 on
different partitions.  That leave two primary partitions for linux / and
swap.  make your swap partition double your ram.  leave the rest for
linux.  This does not leave much room for linux. (in my humble opinion)

On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 jarregui@elasa.siemens.es wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a friend that wants to install in his new  6GB HD Win98, WinNT and
> Linux. 
> In which order must he do the process? I suppose that Win98 will try to own
> the whole computer when installing, and I don't know what kind of
> partitioning is the best. He will use System Commande r to select the OS to
> boot. 
> He hasn't decided which distribution will use. If he gets a quick response
> from Debian people....
> Thanks in advance
> Javi
> -- 
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