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Re: High points of debian

Plelase read


Chris Frost wrote:
> I've got a few questions re: debian, coming from a longtime redhat user...
> I've been using redhat since around v4, and while I definately like
> it, sometimes things are a little unstable, I wish rpm were more powerful
> (I normally end up building my own and making rpm's, so that they register
> in the rpm database), really like the idea of a near-completly gpl'd os,
> and of course I like to toy :)
> So, what are some of the main reasons everyone here uses debian instead of
> something else (linux wise)? Are there any big drawbacks? (I'm experienced
> enough that building from tar balls isn't really a concern, so if the
> number of .deb's premade is small, that's fine.)
> thanks for the info,
> Chris
> <- Visit Me At http://www.frostnet.coso.com/chris/ ->
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