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Re: ? WinModem

Thank we'll give it a try

Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> >
> >Look at the modem. If you see a UART, you don't have
> >a winmodem. ie 16550 or 8250 for old equipment.
> >
> This is not enough.  Some Non-Winmodems may have the uart embedded in
> an ASIC or custom IC.  If you can issue the Hayes AT command to the
> port that the modem is mapped to and get a response (using say
> miniterm) then it is not a winmodem.
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Best regards

 /*******************/ David Sherow \******************\
/*************/ President,  Sherow Enterprises  \*******\
\****************\ sherow@ourtownusa.net /*************/
 \*********\ http://www.ourtownusa.net/~sherow /******/

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