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Re: CD Writer Recommendation

On 10-Oct-1998, Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at 09:47:10AM +0000, David Warnock wrote:
> > I need to add a CD Writer to my system. Can anyone give me a
> > recommendation for a very reliable and fast writer (I only need
> > writeable not re-writeable). I am only interested in a SCSI interface
> > and would prefer an internal unit.
> I use a Panasonic CW-7502 (4x write, 8x read) and have had zero problems
> with it. I have burnt a few CDs with cdrecord (although I mostly use
> it under Windows presently). I use it with an Adaptec 2902 or something.

I have the same Panasonic drive that I bought in a Compro kit.
I've had no problems with it, and probably burned over 300 CDs
with it (almost all of them containing Debian of course).

I mainly chose it because Compro had donated a drive to the cdrecord
author.  It was also the cheapest 4x write drive and kit available
at the time, which certainly didn't harm its chances ;-)

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Tyson Dowd   <tyson@tyse.net>   http://tyse.net

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