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---Ian Eure <ieure@crosssound.narrows.com> wrote:
> Hi, I was just wondering if there was a way to get >1 >systems
running dhcpd
> on my network... We just had a stupid problem with >the (only) box
that runs dhcp
> on our network (power cable to /dev/hdb fell out) and were down for
a few hours
> before I could get there and fix things. I didn't see >any mention
of having
> multiple redundant DHCP servers in the dhcpd docs, >but I could be

There should be no problem with this, as long as you do not assign the
same scope (pool of available addresses) to each server.

DHCP is more fault tolerant in dispatch of addresses than say, PPP. 
It was built so that a client could be out-of-touch from the server
for some time, and not lose its address.  the length of the IP lease
is Administrator configurable.  

If you are not dealing with frequent add/move traffic for workstations
and have a suitably large IP pool, a 30-day lease is quite suitable. 
The workstation ordinarily negotiates to renew its lease after half of
this time is expired, and will continue to make renewed attempts at
configurable intervals.

Jeremiah Cornelius
"Been there, done that, and have the T-shirt."

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