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Re: X and PPP Problems w/ Debian 1.3

1) I can't help you with the X problem.
2) About the ppp problem:
To begin with, read the help available in /usr/doc/ppp and try the pon command 
as root. Report the result to the list (unless you can solve the problem 
yourself from there).

	Hope this help.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 30 Aug 98 20:15:20 EDT
> From: Scorpion <scorpion69@netscape.net>
> To: linux-newbie@vger.rutgers.edu
> Subject: Debian
> Hello,
> I just switched from Slackware to Debian.  Before that I switched
> from Redhat to Slackware.  Redhat is still my favorite, but my RH CD
> is scratched and won't install.  So I am trying new things. I am
> using Debian 1.3. 
> X won't work. I try to use the Config program, but when it says it is
> switching to Graphics mode, it exists with can't connect to server
> errors.
> PPP won't work.  I am using the same PPP scripts that worked with
> both Re dHat and Slackware.  With Debian, they start and wait a
> couple seconds, then t hey quit.  They never do any dialing.  I have
> the correct location of chat an d pppd (/usr/sbin/). 
> Later 
> Scorpion 
> http://schoolblows.ml.org 
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> | thinking. And I'm not a very good American       |
> | because I like to form my own opinions. I don't  |
> | just roll over when I'm told to. And my first    |
> | rule is I don't believe anything the government  |
> | tells me." -George Carlin                        |
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