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Re: ftp.debian.org

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998 ironfoot@worldnetla.net wrote:

> I am perhaps asking this question in the wrong place, but here goes...
> I keep a local mirror of ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists/hamm for
> my personal use.  I noticed a few messages about some sort of reorganization
> of some of the mirror sites, and was wondering if this mirror path will
> remain valid after the release of 2.0 or am I going to wake up one day
> and find that the mirror program just deleted my files?  Should I be using
> a different path for my mirror?
> I did notice that the mirror site at ftp.mi.us.debian.org uses a slightly
> different directory structure, and my mirror configuration won't work
> there without modifications.

ftp.mi.us.debian.org follows the guidelines for 'official mirrors'
which states the distribution should be found under /debian.
So removing '/pub' (using /debian/dists/hamm) will retreive the same
information from both ftp.mi.us.debian.org and ftp.debian.org.

Dennis Kelly <dpk@egr.msu.edu>             |  phone: 353.4844   
Network Admin, College of Engineering, MSU |  pager: 222.5875

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