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RE: gnome v.20

On 22-Jun-98 Brian Morgan wrote:
> Anyone know of any updated info on the release of gnome v.20 for
> debian?  I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival.  Is it possible to simply
> install it using the tarballs on the gnome site?  Or will there be mucho
> configuration I need to do?

Well at least with version 0.13 it was possible to do that. I installed all the
packages converting the *.rpm files to *.deb files with alien.
That way I could install and remove everything quite cleanly.

One problem is that you must check the dependencies by yourself. Another
problem is that there could be some dependencies problems with gtk, imlib and
gdk-imlib if you have the corresponding debian packages installed on your

BTW my system is a hamm one. Maybe you will have problems with a bo install due
the libc6 dependencies.

Hope it helps.

Cesar Talon <cesar.talon@uam.es>
Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

It seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be wrong.
                -- Chris Torek


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