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Re: libc.so.5.44 ?

On Mon, Jun 15, 1998 at 05:07:02PM -0700, Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella wrote:
> Hi,
> at blackdown site (http://www.blackdown.org), the site that holds most
> of the information on java and linux, they say that their libc5 jdk
> depends on libc.so.5.44 or above.
> I looked for it in the debian archives, but found that libc5 only goes
> till 5.38 in debian.
> Is there a solution to that problem (besides using the glibc version
> of the jdk)?

AFAIK a proper libc is distributed with the jdk packages from
blackdown. Currently I'm using jdk-1.1.6v1 out of the box on
a flat bo (libc-5.4.33) w/o noticing any libc-related problems.


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