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Re: Netscape tarball: how to use it

Brian Morgan <bmorgan@greenville.edu> writes:
BM> I've downloaded netscape's tarball, and unzipped it with gunzip.
BM> Now how do I access it to run the ns-install script?  I guess I
BM> need a basic lesson in "What's a tarball?  Is it anything like a
BM> tarbaby?"  Is it like a zipped file in dos?

A tarball is sort of like a zipped (but uncompressed) file in DOS,
yeah.  You can manipulate a .tar file with the tar command:

tar tf <file>        .tar -> short listing
tar tvf <file>       .tar -> long listing
tar xf <file>        unpacks .tar in current directory
tar xvf <file>       unpacks .tar in current directory and lists files

Add a 'z' in the tar options to add an automatic gunzip, which will
let you manipulate .tar.gz files directly.

In the specific case of Netscape, the easiest thing to do is drop the
(compressed) tarball in the /tmp directory, and install the netscape3
or netscape4 package, as appropriate.  This will unpack the tarball,
install files in the correct places, and put Netscape in the Debian
menu tree.

/                             \       "Dad was reading a book called
|          David Maze         |     _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box."
| http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/ |               -- Abra Mitchell

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