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Re: PPP dial-up in HAMM

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Larry Panzer wrote:

> Dear Debian (Linux) users,
> I installed Hamm today from my Win 95 partiton (hda1) onto my Linux
> partitions (hda2 /, and hda3 /usr, hda4 swap).  I beleved that I set-up PPP
> correctly, following the procedure to not configure a network hook-up in
> the initial install and then followed the PPP setup utility once it
> rebooted (using the custom boot disk because I kept the DOS/Win95 boot
> sector).  I selected no PAP or CHAP (my ISP says they don't use them) and
> setup my modem correctly typed in my username and password.  Said yup
> everything looks okay.  It started dialing to my surprise (hey this is
> better than win95) but it said it couldn't find ftp.debian.org (the ftp
> site that I told it to goto in dselect).  I then tried using ping to see if
> I could ping my name server (the only decimal-quad string I knew) and no
> packets got through.  I then realized that I never had to input the address
> of the nameserver or my provider (excel.net).  I decided to try a reinstall
> (it only took me 15 min) and setup PPP with PAP the default choice (maybe
> my ISP tech help was wrong?) but it still didn't work.  Can anyone help me
> with this delema, what set-up do I have to do?  I am hoping to install Hamm
> completely by FTP (perferibly without copying all the .deb files to my
> win95 partition). Thanks for any help you can give me.

You need to create a /etc/resolv.conf file with one or more lines like
(replace the xxx with your nameserver's ip address):

nameserver	xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

You don't need to reinstall anything.  If you need to reconfigure ppp, use
pppconfig (as root).


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
DM42nh                      http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

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