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Re: Printing on the stairs

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On 12 Jun 98 18:31:57 GMT, Matthew Myers <mmyers@ourtownusa.net> wrote:
>How do I prevent the stairstep effect when printing?

Read the Printing-HOWTO.  On my bo system it's in /usr/doc/HOWTO.
There's a sample script there that fixes the problem.

(Note:  I'm cc'ing the mailing list manually because I'm told the
mail-to-news gateway is one-way and I'm reading this in
linux.debian.user.  If the gateway has become two-way, someone tell me
and I won't do this any more.  Mr. Myers also cc'd in email, unless
that address is a spam-blocker.)
Carl Fink		carlf@dm.net

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a. Because they have unusually small brains.    --Dave Barry

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