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Help w/ Linux install

I have a question which I can not seem to find an answer from the online
documentation, FAQs, etc.

I would like to install Linux on a PC which has 3, 2-GB partitions.
Partition C contains my required corporate (ugh) Microsoft Software.

Partition D holds the Debian distribution and Partition E is empty. I
would like to install Linux on the E partition. Is there any way I can
specify access to that specific partition when I am installing from a

Thanks for any information you can send my way on this.

Mark A. Zottola                       Alabama Research and Education
119 Rust Research Center              Nichols Research Corporation
University of Alabama-Birmingham      VOICE:  (205) 934-3893
Birmingham, AL  35294                 EMAIL:  asnmaz01@csimail.asc.edu

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