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route anon ftp requests how?

Needed: best method for directing inbound requests for anon ftp requests to a
server located on a box other than the one that dials up my ISP.

I have two Linux machines ethernetted, and running IP masquerading with
ipfwadm. One of the boxs is equipped with a modem to dial my ISP (for dynamic
IP assignment). The anon ftp server has been installed on the other box. 

I've tested the anon ftp server by connecting a modem to it, dialling my ISP
for an IP address, and then posting the address on my Web page hosted by my
ISP. I've also got a URL courtesy of ml.org, and have tested that too. But I
want to contine connecting to the 'Net via the first box, and have the anon
ftp server on the second box available to folks on the 'Net once I've put my
IP address in ml.org's DNS. 

This is where my reach exceeds my grasp: I can't for a minute believe that I
can have, in the dialled-up box's /etc/services file, a reference for ftp that
points to the second machine. My first reading of several HOWTOs suggests to
me that if I reconfigure ipfwadm, not for IP masquerading, but in some other
mode, eg as a "firewall", that the routing I describe can be implemented. Is
this a possiblity?

Thanks in advance for any light shed!


Bob Bernstein      bernie@brainiac.com       http://www.brainiac.com/bernie
Esmond, R.I.       ftp://rupturedduck.dyn.ml.org  (sometimes)

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