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Re: CD-rom and ZIP

Come to think of it Redhat did put mount points under /mnt/  Being lazy I
usually mount everything (cd, floppies) under mount.  But I did make mount
points of /A, /B, /CD, and now /bernie.   The latter is for my bernoulli
drive, the first two for the floppys.  I don't remember if /A: was legal.
Dos dies hard.

On Wed, Jun 10, 1998 at 10:34:47AM -0700, Mike Schmitz wrote:
> I would use /mnt/misc, /mnt/zip, /mnt/cdrom with fstab entries:
> /dev/<whatever> /mnt/misc   ext2 defaults        0    2
> /dev/hdc4       /mnt/zip        vfat    noauto,user             0       0
> /dev/hdd        /mnt/cdrom      iso9660 noauto,user,ro          0       0

This looks like a RedHatism. I thought that /mnt was intended
for temporary mounts only; anything more regular like cdroms you would
probably want to make a top level directory. For example I have
/cdrom and /zip on my machine. I think /cdrom is pretty standard.


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