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Re: procmail woes


On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

> hell santiago,
> [paul:~]$ mail -v paul
> Subject: test procmailrc
> test testing tested failed!
> Cc: write_log:Received FROM:paul PROGRAM:send-mail SIZE:121
> director user matched user paul
> transport local uses driver appendfile
>   appendfile: write to file /var/spool/mail/paul
> write_log:Delivered TO:paul ORIG-TO:paul DIRECTOR:user TRANSPORT:local
> write_log:Completed.
> You have mail in /var/spool/mail/paul
> [paul:~]$

Ok, I have just checked and it seems that a line like this one:


is enough for the ~/.forward file when using smail.
Probably this is all you need at this point.
> I don't have a mbox - it gives me an error

Well, the   cat mbox | formail -s procmail   trick was just a
way of speaking! You have to replace "mbox" with the name of the file 
you want to refilter.

> when i tried cat /var/spool/mail/paul | formail -s procmail it did sort it
> but it was trying to resend stuff again my inbox said there was 7500
> messages only 3 messages but they repeated to make the 7500.

So you learned the hard way it is a bad idea to refilter your inbox "in
place". I'm sorry, perhaps I should have been more clear.
Remember not to refilter your /var/spool/mail/paul file
in this way. Next time you can do:

* cp /var/spool/mail/paul ~/tobefilteredagain

* remove /var/spool/mail/paul either by using your favourite mail
reader or with the help of the user root.

* cat ~/tobefilteredagain | formail -s procmail

> But it did sort it to the right mail boxes any ideas?

Then the .procmailrc file is ok and the ~/.forward file is probably the
last step. Good luck.

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