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Re: My network script running before eth0 is created

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.980601185343.1176A-100000@kepler.midco.net>,
Nathan E Norman <finn@midco.net> writes
>On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Ian Lynagh wrote:
>: Hi all!
>: I am having a problem with setting my network up.
>: I basically want to run the following commands at bootup:
>: ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast
>: route add -net dev eth0:0
>I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but are you really running a
>full Class A on one segment?  That seems, well, illogical to me :)  We
>use 10.x.x.x private IP space all the time, but never with a mask
>shorter than

*I* am using 192.168.37.* for my home LAN.
However, my friends have taken it upon themselves to use 1.*.*.*  :-(
I have convinced, I beleieve, one of them to change and the others
should follow. However, in his own words "I don't want a class C
network! Class A sounds much cooler!". Sometimes I dispair...

>I usually just edit /etc/init.d/network if I want interface changes, or
>have that file source or call the script that has the changes.  I don't
>know if editing /etc/init.d/network is evil or not; I don't think it is
>:)  That way, the script is called at the appropriate time; the rc.d
>links are already there for you.

I just gave that a try, but I got the same problem  :-(

What I have done instead is put IansStuff in /etc/init.d/
and made a symlink /etc/rc2.d/S99IansStuff to it. This seems
to work fine  :-)

>I assume you got a kernel with IP Aliasing linked in or compiled as a

Yup, I have it listed in /etc/modules

Ian Lynagh - ian@lynagh.demon.co.uk

Stick: A boomerang that doesn't work.

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