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Betr.: Re: Linux + Win95 + Win NT on one HD


thanks for your help on this topic. Now it works! I did it this way:

1. Delete any existing partitions (have you all backed up??)
2. Create with fdisk (MSDOS program) one primary Win 95 partition (1.6 GB)
3. Install Win 95
4. Run Debian Rescue Disk and partition the rest of the hard disk as
     - hda2 primary for Win NT (you can set the file type to any value you
     - hda3 as / (root) for Linux
     - hda5 as swap
     - hda6 and so on (as you like)
This means I have three primary paritions and one extended with two logical
5. Install Linux on hda3 to hda6, but don't make it bootable (if you want
to use the NT boot loader)
6. Copy the bootsector from Linux as described in the Win NT and Linux Mini
How To
7. Install Win NT on hda2 (Win NT will show you all partitions on the
8. Add Linux and the file bootsect.lnx to the NT boot loader as described
in the Win NT and Linux Mini How To

This procedure works on my system.

I had some trouble with starting Linux after working with NT. In this case
just recopy the file bootsect.lnx.


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