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Re: why?

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, C.J.LAWSON wrote:

> > What? Do they forbid sending e-mail with bogus To: headers? I am once
> > again baffled by the stupidity of USA laws regarding electronic
> (1) Why would anyone intentionally want to send email to a bogus header?
> to wreak havoc?? ... to bounce spam messages???
> (2) I wish you knew how much hassle bogus headers cause on servers 

But many read-only mailing lists ("e-zines") are using a bogus To: header.
They work because in the smtp 'RCPT TO:' command they use the actual
(working) address of the recipient, but the To: header is still bogus. I
now know that it is not bogus headers that are forbidden, but I would
still think of it as very stupid if any state or nation would forbid them
just because they are bogus.

And yes, I think I know how much hassle bogus headers can cause on mail
servers. Just think of all those people with some sort of -nospam- in
their return address. And if they really want to use it, they should put
it in the domain part and not in the username part of the address, because
an invalid domain causes much less hassle than an invalid username.


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