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Re: afterstep-1.0 package somewhere?

On Fri, Apr 17, 1998 at 07:54:40PM +0200, Maarten Boekhold wrote:

> Does anybody still have an afterstep_1.0 package lying around? I 
> accidentally installed 1.4, and I hate it. Completely new configuration, 
> which I don't want to learn right now (other than that it looks very 
> nice, though I already noticed some problems with the pager after less 
> than an hour of use).

I have 1.0, I suppose I could try and build a package out of it, but it
might be easier just to compile source (which I did originally) but
that'll require xpm4g-dev I think was the package.. 

It may not be a production-level package considering that I can't yet say
I think policy instinctively, but hey.  =>

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