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Re: New Smail, how to use offline?

Neilen Marais <brick@cryogen.com> writes:

> Basically, it seems to do a reverse lookup on the system connecting to
> it, but I think I sorted that out by putting allow_broken_hello, or
> something similar for localhost.

This should only be neccessary if the mailreader does a broken HELO. Pine is
one of these and if you had to do this as well, then XFMail is another one.

> Other thing is that it seems to do a DNS lookup on every from address,
> and since my from contains brick@cryogen.com, this can't be done when
> I'm offline.  So if I can get this fixed I think I can use the newest
> smail again...  Any suggestions?

I don't have any problems with it.

Did you complete smailconfig during upgrade?

In /etc/smail/config there should also be the lines:


With these you disable the hostname verification.

I just had one problem with the upgrade:

I told dpkg to leave my /etc/aliases alone (and it did). Then post.inst
called smailconfig and I went through it. But smailconfig wiped my aliases
file (!). I con confirm this for 3 installations of the package on 2
different machines, so be carefull. I already filed a bug report about this.

After this experience I added a cronjob to backup my aliases like this is
already done for /etc/passwd and /etc/group (added this as a wish to the
bugreport as well).


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