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ip-up script called multiple times

Hello all,

I have a Debian 1.3.1 box running kernel 2.0.33 up and running.  Not
too long ago I added Diald so that I would not have to stay
connected 24-7 to the internet.  I am also using IPMasq  All seems
to work fine.  Diald starts the connection when it is needed, but
there are a few problem with it that I cannot figure out why they
are doing what they are doing.

My most puzzling problem is the ip-up script.  I have my time synced 
and the IP address ftped to my .plan file of my Linux server at work 
in ip-up.  Recently I thought it would be nice to add a little 
script that sends an epage to my pager informing me that the home 
system has connected and is online (and give the IP address).  What I 
have noticed is for each connection ip-up is run several times for 
one connection.

The day I set this up it sent out 4 pages back to back telling me
about the same IP address.  For the same connection.   That was the
worst case.  Sometimes it is only 2 or 3 times a connection.  It
holds true for the ftping of the IP address to my work server.  Once
I looked in the xferlog at work I found a similar thing.  Here is
the latest entry:

Tue Jan 20 13:05:29 1998 1 ppp0151.remote.louisville.edu 15
/home/jybarb01/.plan b _ i r jybarb01 ftp 1 root 

Tue Jan 20 13:07:01 1998 1 ppp0151.remote.louisville.edu 15
/home/jybarb01/.plan b _ i r jybarb01 ftp 1 root 

Tue Jan 20 13:08:39 1998 1 ppp0151.remote.louisville.edu 15
/home/jybarb01/.plan b _ i r jybarb01 ftp 1 root 

As you can see, this transfer is only a couple of minutes apart from 
the same IP address.  I have pppd setup to idle disconnect after 2 

Does anyone know why this is working like it is?  Does anyone have a 
recommendation to how to fix it?


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