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Re: Apfilter install hangs up computer

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, IBMackey wrote:

> On two occasions, I've tried to install the debian package for apfilter.
> When picking an option for "further descriptions of the printers", the
> script has terminated with a "Out of memory, zless."
> Is there a way around this ?

Say no when it prompts you, or hit cont-c real quick.  I didn't wait long
enough for my system to run out of memory (over an hour) and ended up
cycling the power after being hit by this (system was completely
unresponsive).  I would have filed a bug report, but I can't track down
the exact cause of the problem, the result being an infinite loop or
recursive calling of zless (I had several hundred before canceling it
one time).  Also, note that apsfilter is no longer being maintained in
hamm, so you may want to consider magicfilter (it's on my own todo list).

Note, I think the offending section in the postinst is like:
        echo $n "Press RETURN to continue ...$c"
        read tmp
        $PAGER /usr/doc/apsfilter/deskjets 


Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>   "We all know linux is great... it
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