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Re: loging into NT


> Do you already have a domain controller? If so, you can have samba
> authenticate using the NT domain controller.

	No, I don't have a domain controller. I just have the linux box
(which mainly serves e-mail and some file sharing) and a Win 3.11 box that
everybody uses with no access control. I'm going to put another machine
with Windows now, and that's why I wanted to see if Linux had
authentification, to see if I could save myself the hours of
reconfiguration that the win 3.11 machine needs every couple of weeks
because of ignorant users.

> entirely. NT is going to use X.500 directory services for it's
> user/passwords, domains, etc. As unbelievable as it is, they are going
> to replace their current crappy proprietary system with an actual ISO
> standard.

	Great news really. I never though that M$ was going to ease up
things that way.

Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o         mailto:pere@casal.upc.es
  2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_       http://casal.upc.es/~pere/
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