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Re: [off topic] Q on CVS


	I think the official way is to release the directory, and
 checkout a new version. However, if the module is large, this may
 take some time (but it is not a hack, and you need not fear any

	The other option you have is to put all the local changes on a
 branch, and revert to the main branch when the repository is changed,
 and start a new branch. This maybe more admin work than you are
 willing to do.

	While we are at it, you say:

>> cvs -q update 2>&1|egrep "^C|^M"|cut -f2|xargs rm -f;cvs update

	Why are you not trying cvs -n update, so that the local files
 are not changed, instead of just quieting cvs down (or was it a

 % cvs -n update 2>&1|egrep "^C|^M"|cut -f2|xargs rm -f;cvs update

 "There is considerable evidence that great empires and civilizations
 have been undone not by barbarian invaders but by climatic change."
 1977 CIA report
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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