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Re: Qpopper ?

On Sat, 30 Aug 1997 14:08:37 +0000, Michael Legart wrote:

>Hi !
>Just wondering if I can use the qpopper package, that comes with 
>Debian 1.3, to make a pop3 mail server ? If so ... how do I configure 
>it ? I have it installed, but I can't seem to find out how to create 
>accounts etc.

adduser (Maybe I'm missing somthing?)

>Also ... the ftpd package ... is it a ftp server ? I also have that 
>one installed, but if i try to connect with a ftp-program (*not* as 
>root, but as a user), I just get the message, that the remote host 
>have closed connection, because the service isn't available.

Hmm this should not be. Do a 'ps aux' do you see /usr/sbin/inetd running?
Can you telnet in? Can you ftp to yourself? (myhost$ ftp myhost)
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